
姓名:刘 卉

职称: 讲师



邮箱: liuh@neau.edu.cn
















1.“手性吡噻菌胺及肥料在蔬菜-土壤体系中的复合生态毒理效应研究”中国博士后科学基金站中特别资助(2020T130086).2021.01 - 2023.12.主持.18万.

2. “手性苯酰菌胺与抗生素复合污染的土壤生态毒理效应研究”中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助(2019M661245).2020.01 -2023.12.主持.8万元.

3. “肥料复合应用下两种手性农药在蔬菜-土壤中的环境行为及毒性效应”黑龙江省自然科学基金联合引导项目(LH2019B003).2019.07-2022.07.主持.10万.

4. “草甘膦及其代谢产物对抗草甘膦转基因豆田土壤生态功能的影响”黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划项目(UNPYSCT-2018159).2018.08-2021.09.主持.10万.

5. “农药代谢物在水生环境及水生生物中的生成机制及健康效应研究”国家自然科学基金重点项目(21337005).2014.01-2018.12.参加.300万.


  1. Hui Liu*,Mengqi Liu,Kuiyuan Chen, Mei Shan, Yongye Li. Fertilization can modify the enantioselective persistence of penthiopyrad in relation to the co-influence on soil ecological health, Environmental Research, 2023, 224:115514(中科院分区:2区 影响因子:8.431)

  2. HuiLiu*. Co-existence of Pesticides and Fertilizers in Agricultural Soil Environment,Agricultural Research & Technology: Open Access Journal (ARTOAJ), 2022, 27(3): 556367(影响因子:1.495)

  3. 刘卉*,单梅,宋嘉啟,李佳旭,王瀚婷,李永烨.农产品加工副产物对水体物质的去除作用,食品与发酵工业, DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.032136

  4. Hui Liu, Kuiyuan Chen, Wei Ding*. Effects of Glyphosate Application on Soil Ecological Health after Continuous Planting of Transgenic Glyphosate-Resistant Soybeans in Harbin, Northeast China, World Journal of Agriculture and Soil Science (WJASS), 2022, 8(2): 1-12(影响因子:0.611)

  5. Hui Liu*, Mei Shan, Mengqi Liu,Jiaqi Song, Kuiyuan Chen.Assessment of the eco-toxicological effects in zoxamide polluted soil amended with fertilizers-An indoor evaluation, Chemosphere, 2022, 301: 134630(中科院分区:2区 影响因子:8.943)

  6. 陈奎元,刘卉,丁伟*.草甘膦对大豆田土壤养分及其功能酶活性的影响,中国农业科技导报,2022,24(05):180-188

  7. Wangjing Zhai, Linlin Zhang,Hui Liu, Chuntao Zhang, Donghui Liu, Peng Wang, Zhiqiang Zhou*. Enantioselective degradation of prothioconazole in soil and the impacts on the enzymes and microbial community, Science of the Total Environment, 2022,824: 153658(中科院分区:1区影响因子:10.754)

  8. HuiLiu, Peize Li, Peng Wang,Donghui Liu*, Zhiqiang Zhou. Toxicity risk assessment of pyriproxyfen and metabolites in the rat liver: A vitro study, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 389: 121835(中科院分区:1区影响因子:14.224)

  9. Hui Liu, Xiaotong Yi,Jiawei Bi, Peng Wang, Donghui Liu, Zhiqiang Zhou*. The enantioselective environmental behavior and toxicological effects of pyriproxyfen in soil, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 365: 97-106(中科院分区:1区影响因子:14.224)

  10. Hui Liu, Wei Ding*.Enantiomeric separation of prothioconazole and prothioconazole-desthio on chiral stationary phases, Chirality, 2019, 31(3): 219-229(中科院分区:4区影响因子:2.183)

  11. Hui Liu, Linlin Zhang, Peng Wang, Donghui Liu*, Zhiqiang Zhou.Enantioselective dissipation of pyriproxyfen in soil under fertilizers use, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 167: 404-411(中科院分区:2区影响因子:7.129)

  12. Jing Zhan#, Yiran Liang#, Donghui Liu, Chang Liu,Hui Liu, Peng Wang, Zhiqiang Zhou*.Organochlorine pesticide acetofenate and its hydrolytic metabolite in rabbits: Enantioselective metabolism and cytotoxicity, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2018, 145: 76-83(中科院分区:1区影响因子:4.966)

  13. Hui Liu, Peng Wang, Zhiqiang Zhou, Donghui Liu*.Enantioselective dissipation of pyriproxyfen in soils and sand, Chirality, 2017, 29(7): 358-368(中科院分区:4区影响因子:2.183)

  14. HuiLiu#, Guojun Yao#, Xueke Liu, Chang Liu, Jing Zhan, Donghui Liu, Peng Wang, Zhiqiang Zhou*.Approach for Pesticide Residue Analysis for Metabolite Prothioconazole-desthio in Animal Origin Food, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(11): 2481-2487(中科院分区:1区影响因子:5.895)

  15. Lin Ma#,Hui Liu#, Han Qu, Yangguang Xu, Peng Wang, Mingjing Sun, Zhiqiang Zhou, Donghui Liu*.Chiral quizalofop-ethyl and its metabolite quizalofop-acid in soils: Enantioselective degradation, enzymes interaction and toxicity to Eisenia foetida, Chemosphere, 2016, 152: 173-180(中科院分区:2区影响因子:8.943)

  16. Chuntao Zhang#,Hui Liu#, Donghui Liu, Liying Wang, Jing Gao, Zhiqiang Zhou, Peng Wang*.Enantiomeric Separations of Pyriproxyfen and Its Six Chiral Metabolites by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography, Chirality, 2016, 28(3): 245-252(中科院分区:4区影响因子:2.183)

  17. Yiran Liang, Peng Wang, Donghui Liu, Zhigang Shen,Hui Liu, Zhixin Jia, Zhiqiang Zhou*. Enantioselective Metabolism of Quizalofop-Ethyl in Rat, PLOS ONE, 2014, 9(6): e101052(中科院分区:3区影响因子:3.752)

  18. Hui Liu, Donghui Liu, Zhigang Shen, Mingjing Sun, Zhiqiang Zhou*.Chiral Separation and Enantioselective Degradation of Vinclozolin in Soils, Chirality, 2014, 26(3): 155-159(中科院分区:4区影响因子:2.183)


  1. 授权实用新型专利:“一种新型农用喷雾器喷头”(排名第3),2018-05-18,中国,ZL201721293537.7。


期刊编委:International Journal of Ecotoxicology and Ecobiology其他兼职:哈尔滨恩腾科技有限公司企业科技特派员,兼职技术顾问一职;期刊《环境科学与工程》(World Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering)审稿专家。